Red Amanita

Fairytale Fungus – The Fly Agaric

It’s always nice to come across one of the most loved of all toadstools. I’m of course talking of the Fly Agaric (Amanita muscaria). Most probably you will recall first seeing them depicted in your favourite childhood nursery rhyme or fairytale (or even in a so called ‘Mario’ video game).

Amanita muscaria ToadstoolIt was interesting to discover that they were traditionally used as a fly killer by the people of Slovenia (also England and Sweden). Chopped up flesh chunks were placed in saucers of milk or water, which would then release psychoactive compounds, deadly to any fly or bug foolish enough to take the bait. Some consider this story debatable, but one thing for sure is that the iconic and cultural history of this famous toadstool go back a long way, having deep routes in religion, spirituality, and of course recreational use!

This mushroom is in the same genus as the Death Cap (Amanita phalloides) but A.muscaria has a different make-up and is rarely fatal (many would have to be consumed). It is not, as some people think, The Magic Mushroom which most people have heard of. The actual Magic Mushroom or Liberty Cap is actually a Psilocybe species called Psilocybe semilanceata. Nevertheless, the Fly Agaric is indeed a famously noted and powerful hallucinogenic.

I’ve never felt the urge to experiment (either for culinary or recreational interest) as they do cause sickness, and in some cases produce some very alarming symptoms. However, there are some places in Europe where they still eat them, only after careful preparation (parboiling etc). Hmm! I’m still not sure.

The Fly Agaric contains a compound called ‘Muscarine’, which is one of the poisons found in other mushrooms from the Inocybe and Clitocybe genus, although they are in very small quantities here, hence the minimal reports of serious poisoning and/or deaths.

There are many active chemical compounds in the mushroom, but the main psychoactive agent is called muscimol. Its effect on the brain excites neural transmitters causing the hallucinogenic effects, which are very unpredictable and will differ from person to person.

But simply eating this mushroom out right rarely has the effect some people actually want. Yet somehow, somewhere, someone discovered how to get the results they were after – and that was to drink urine! That is, the urine of someone willing to consume the mushrooms in the first place. The psychoactive elements pass through into the urine, while all the other bad elements are all filtered out by the body. All you have to do then is take a drink! There would be minimal or no bad side effects and all the desired good effects – well, hopefully. Several cultures (past and present) have used this practice as a form of religious ritual, recreation and/or spiritually as an entheogen – meaning ‘generating the divine within’.

Whatever your stance is on the ‘use’ of this mushroom, there’s no doubt it is one of natures most interesting and beautiful species. And if you do find some this autumn (or late summer) be sure to look out for any Ceps (Boletus edulis) hanging around nearby – they sometimes will be growing in the same vicinity. Good luck.

Amanita muscaria Images

The Fly Agaric’s Red cap with white spots (veil remnants). Bottom: Notice that over time from weathering/rain etc. the cap can fade in colour and the white veil remnants can be washed off, as shown here.

Amanita muscaria

Two young Fly Agarics covered with remnants of the white veil.

Note: Bear in mind that extremely young examples of this mushroom growing up from the soil can appear like small white puffballs. There was a case of someone eating what they thought was a puffball, and experienced mild hallucinations but suffered no ill effect, just a bit of a scare!



10-20cm across. Red with white ‘spotted’ veil remnants on the surface; these can wash off with rain and the colour fade to orange-red. Mature cap edge is grooved.


15-20cm x 1.5-2cm. With a grooved ring. Bulbous base with volva that has rings and scales.


White and free.
Spore Print: White (see how to take a spore print here).


Woodland, mostly with birch; also pine and spruce. Late summer – early winter.


Poisonous, causing sickness. Containing hallucinogens.

The Genus AMANITA (Amanitas): Characteristics to look out for:

• All have some sort of Volva – a cup-like/sack-like structure at the base of the stem which is the remnant of the universal veil.
• When very young, while still in the universal veil they can look egg-like.
• Most species are often covered with ‘spotted’ veil remnants. These sometimes ‘wash off’.
• Most species have white/whitish gills.
• Be extra careful in identification (examining volva and stem ring if present) as this genus contain some deadly species.

28 replies
    • J C Harris
      J C Harris says:

      Hmm. Interesting read. The process of removing the toxins etc can be done but you never know how much is left. I know someone who had tried to eat these in order to get the psychoactive effects. It never worked. He just kept being very sick and he didn’t mention anything about the taste – I should have asked. Late summer – autumn, Fly Agarics grow in and around woodland with pine and birch. Be careful with your culinary adventure. Let me know if the flavour is worth it.


      • Tom Roe
        Tom Roe says:

        Me and a friend had half one of these a year ago not cooked. We will not die will we? Have you read/heard enough on them that would suggest not? Again, pretty sure I’m over-worrying/paranoid but I guess it’s just the fact they’re in same family as the Death Cap and they can take a while to kick in. If they would have been fatal it would have happened much earlier? This the last message I’ll send about poisoning by the way I’m pretty sure I’ve had no other dodgy ones.

        …Its a shame, I’m really into mushrooms, have been for a couple years now but my carelessness along with reading certain things about possible poisonings has put the willys up me a bit and has even put me off them slightly now, but think I just need re-assuring that I’ll be ok. Maybe I need councelling more than anything, ha. I know you said you’re not a proper expert but be nice to just hear what you know at least.

    • Burb
      Burb says:

      Par boil them twice…. Dry and powder…… Add to hot water for a soupy tea….. Hallucinogens mostly removed but high sedative properties remain. Enjoy heavy floaty sensations and deep dreamy…. Almost trippy sleep…. Totally de-stressing. I recommend.

  1. Tom Roe
    Tom Roe says:

    …I guess it’s the idea of something multiplying over time (similar to affects of Death Cap) that scares me.

    • J C Harris
      J C Harris says:

      Hi Tom. You don’t need to worry. You will have to consume quite a few of these to become seriously ill (or anywhere close to death!). I know of people who’ve tried consuming them cooked and raw (in the hope of gaining some hallucinogenic effect), but only find they can’t keep them down and simply throw up! They’re still alive.

      Built up effects of poison mainly come from the Brown Roll-Rim (Paxillus involutus). The effects from poisonous Amanitas occur within 30mins – 2 hours and aren’t very pleasant (depending on which species, medical advice needs to be sought immediately).

      But you will get no more trouble from your small sample a year ago.

      Hope that eases your worries Tom.

  2. Anya
    Anya says:

    Do Fly Agaric mushrooms happen to grow in and around mosses? I am only able to find photos of them growing near trees and grass.

    • J C Harris
      J C Harris says:

      To my knowledge (and my photo collection) I don’t think so (or at least its rarer). The Fly Agaric prefers acidic soil. Moss prefers acidic substrates rather than acidic soil itself. But let me know if you do see one in moss. Seems like an interesting challenge, so I’ll keep my eyes open.

      • Shaun wayneright
        Shaun wayneright says:

        We found ours in woodland up in the lakes under trees (Christmas type tree). We are in the UK and take Liberties twice a year we happened to come across the Fly Agaric by accident. It’s the first time we have seen one in person. Didn’t know they grow here in the UK.

  3. Shaun wayneright
    Shaun wayneright says:

    We yesterday found a few of these, so we will try them this year. We were hunting for Libertys in our Welsh hills and found 3 Fly Agarics.

      • Shaun wayneright
        Shaun wayneright says:

        About a month ago we found around a 1000 Liberties, the season. This year was early as now we are only finding a few here and there, we are a little concerned about trying the Fly Agaric as we have never seen them in the UK. Does anybody know the best way to have them? So much people saying you can die rather than trip on the internet but these seem like scare stories

        • J C Harris
          J C Harris says:

          I haven’t tried to be honest. A friend has tried cooking, eating raw etc but just ended up vomiting! You’d have to eat quite a large batch to be in mortal trouble. Some local villagers (Europe somewhere – not sure where) get their Donkeys (or was it horses?) to eat them, which I believe they are OK with, then hand around the animals urine afterwards. Nice!

  4. Michael
    Michael says:

    I think Mushrooms are amazing, their nutrients, the way they grow, the history of Earth and how Fungi have produced over the millions of years, self sustaining and evolving in so many fashions. What I’m wondering is, now that we have a good summer, should that postpone the season or will it stick to the same cycle? Thank You for Your time.

    • J C Harris
      J C Harris says:

      Hi Michael
      The hot and dry weather is certainly no help and many soil/grassland species in summer have failed to show in abundance (except the bracket fungi are doing well). However, the mycelium will be ready for the rain and begin to fruit in the normal timely manner, especially in the main season (Sep -Nov) – in fact it may be more fruitful than ever – just a theory though.

  5. Brooke
    Brooke says:

    I am new to the world of foraging and was foolish enough to think all deadly mushrooms looked as beautiful as this, only to find approximately 20 death caps on my property!

  6. Barbara
    Barbara says:

    Amanita has a mycorrhizal relationship with specific trees, and from what I observed, they like to place themselves on the outskirts of forests. Fly Agaric will never work similar to Liberty caps, will never give you the “trip”. However, if well implemented, they will give you way better benefits. Each community should have them used as a healing modality, as this works primarily through sleep, reaching to the areas of our psyche never available to your typical psychotherapy.
    Looking through this website is a must to understand it fully:


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