Dry Saddle for the nymph! Dryads Saddle
Well – it’s been the driest spring we’ve had since records began! That probably explains why I haven’t had much luck in finding some good edible spring mushrooms up for offer! But I did stumble across some large edible beauties today – unfortunately I found them too late. They were past their prime and had dried out quite a bit due to old age and the dry weather. Curses!
Even in this condition, they were still good examples of Dryads Saddle (Cerioporus squamosus / Polyporus squamosus) – a polypore mushroom which can grow quite large indeed as you can see from the photos. All polypores (bracket fungus growing on trees) have ‘pores’ instead of gills where the spores disperse from.
This species is a parasite (and/or Saprotroph which feeds off decaying matter) on deciduous trees such as elm, beech and sycamore causing severe ‘white rot’. They burst into life in late spring/early summer and can be found on stumps as well as living trees (often 10-15ft up the trunk) growing in layered clusters (sometimes singularly). Although edible, only young specimens are worth taking as the texture and taste of the older flesh is unappetising. (See a great simple Dryads Saddle recipe here.
Apart from it’s large dimensions (cap up to 60cm across and stem up to 7cm) other identifiable characteristics are the brown scales which are spread in a semicircular pattern across the ochre-yellow cap, the flesh of which is relatively thin. As shown in these pictures, once past it’s prime, the mushroom soon deteriorates, becoming very dry (especially helped along by this hot weather!) and infested with insects! But nevertheless they are a great site to behold when in a large group like this.
There are many old folklore stories behind mushrooms describing how they acquired their common names (sometimes several stories from several countries), and this one does not disappoint in originality. The ‘Saddle’ element derives from the shape of the cap which can sometimes resemble a horses saddle. The word Dryad means ‘Tree nymph’ in Greek mythology. I find myself imagining what the Dryads horse looks like!

Drying up! Once past their prime, These polypores soon dry up and waste away. How the mighty have fallen!
In contrast to these older specimens, take a look at this very young specimen I found only a few weeks later. This little beauty is only 2 inches long. I left it to grow and I’m guessing it won’t grow that large anyway due to the fact there were older, dying fruit bodies near by – around 4-6 inches in size.
See the extra ID notes below in helping identify this fine mushroom, notably how the stem is blackish towards the base. Hope you find some too soon, this is the season…
The Genus POLYPORUS & Related: Characteristics to look out for: • Nearly all are bracket fungi, but a few are with typical cap and stem but with pores instead of gills underside. |
I’m told – and have seen some efforts – that dryads saddle (and other polypores) can be used to make paper.
Never thought of them as good eating though – better as firelighters!
Hi Simon
Good point on the ‘paper making’ issue. I don’t know that much about it. On Wikipedia it mentions ‘some people value the thick, stiff paper that can be made from this and many other mushrooms of the genus Polyporus…’ which is interesting.
Cooking-wise, another good link for ideas is here:
I think better choices for firelighting or tinder would be the Tinder Bracket (Fomes fomentarius) or King Alfred’s Cakes (Daldinia concentrica) especially as they are around for longer during the year, but I can’t speak from experience! I intend to try out sometime.