Bloomsbury Pocket Guides: Mushrooms

Bloomsbury Pocket Guide to Mushrooms

The UK Mushroom season is upon us. Well, just getting started anyway. Although mushrooms and fungi appear all year round, there’s no time like now. September to November are when they’re in most abundance and variety.

So there’s no better time than now to give my new Mushrooms Pocket Guide a good plug! Bloomsbury contacted me last year and said they were aiming to launch a Nature Pocket Guide series. This includes the following five titles: Insects, Garden Birds, Trees & Shrubs, Tracks & Signs and of course Mushrooms. There will be translated versions for the following countries: Scandinavia/Netherlands and France but right now I’m not sure when this is happening.

This accessible and handy guide features:

  • Comprehensive detail on 158 of the most common British & European mushrooms & fungi
  • Introduction covering identification tips & mushroom anatomy
  • More than 200 colour photos
  • Each species account features an introduction, key features, dimensions, spore print, habitat & season

This is my first time published, and I hope all those who get a copy will be happy with their purchase.
So if you fancy it, you can order one (or pre-order) directly from Amazon:


For further information, visit:

4 replies
  1. Sarah
    Sarah says:

    Congratulations on publishing your book. I have just come across your site, back from an afternoon’s mushroom hunting (one cep, two bay boletes and several birch boletes). Some v useful posts which I will definitely come back to (eg the one on false chanterelles _ they get me every time.). Thanks for the great info and clear pictures. This blog is fantastic resource which will help

    • J C Harris
      J C Harris says:

      Thank you Sarah. I’m glad you’re enjoying the blog also.
      And it’s great you’re having good fortune with your finds. I especially liked your blog and the notes on your mushroom finds and drying them. Great stuff.
      I was out yesterday too. There seems to be quite a lot out there at the moment. The start of the mushroom season is definitely turning up with the goods so far.
      All the best

  2. Varsha
    Varsha says:

    I thought you were plugging someone else’s random book, what a pleasant surprise to learn it’s yours!

    I shall certainly be purchasing a copy (or add it to my Christmas list) and look forward to receiving it. I hope you’ve managed to include the updated Latin names, ha!


    • J C Harris
      J C Harris says:

      Hi Varsha
      Very nice of you to be getting a copy. I hope you enjoy it.
      Those updated Latin names nearly caught me out. I believe I’ve got them all up to date!
      All the best


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