All that glitters… The Glistening Inkcap
These mushrooms love to be in a crowd! They are one of the first to see in the year, fruiting from mid to late spring all the way through to late autumn/early winter.
The Glistening Inkcap (Coprinellus micaceus) or should I say Inkcaps (plural) in this case, are extremely common; always found in small to large (sometimes very large) and tightly packed groups (caespitose) on or around broad leaf stumps/wood and buried wood. You really can’t miss them.
The best time to find them is when they are young and still with an ovate shaped cap and hopefully haven’t been blasted by wind or rain. You will see the fresh caps are covered in a fine white powder that appears glittery or glistening, hence the common name. This coating, more often than not, will eventually disappear with age and with the interaction of the elements etc.
Each small cap is around 1-4cm in size and generally ochre coloured with a darker cinnamon brown centre. Over time they will expand to produce a bell-like shape; their colour will fade or become dull, often with a greying (blackening) margin. Also note that, as with many similar of the smaller inkcaps, there are very noticeable grooved markings on the surface, especially nearer to the margin.
The gills are free from the stem and are initially white, maturing to date-brown and eventually black as they turn into an inky liquid (deliquescing) – another common trait of the aptly named Inkcaps.
They are said to be edible, but they don’t seem to be much of a meal to me – or even appealing for that matter! So I haven’t tried to cook and eat any. Please leave a comment on this post if you have indulged – but I can’t imagine there are many recipes out there for them – or maybe there is!

Glistening Inkcap (Coprinellus micaceus) growing in large, densely packed groups feeing off old stumps and dead wood which is sometimes buried beneath the surface.
CAP / FLESH Ovate (becoming bell-shaped over time). Ochre coloured; darker brown at the centre. Becoming duller with age. STEM 4-10cm x 0.2-0.5cm. White. GILLS / SPORE PRINT Free from stem; initially white, maturing to date-brown, then to black (deliquescing) HABITAT / SEASON On or around broad-leaved tree stumps, dead and/or buried wood. In large groups. EDIBILITY Edible. |
The Genus COPRINUS/COPRINELLUS & Related (Inkcaps): Characteristics to look out for: • Most species gills dissolve into an inky black liquid as the black spores ripen. |
I came across these the other day. I read that they are poisonous when taken with alcohol due to the coprine.
This is true for the Common Inkcap (Coprinopsis atramentaria):
I’m not so sure with this species. But they’re pretty much not worthwhile to consume because they’re so small with so little flesh.
We fried them with brekkie. Mild taste and a bit of a hassle to clean because they’re so fragile, but quite yummy.
That’s interesting. I don’t know of anybody that has taken the time to try them out. I think because they are so fragile with not much flesh has put me off. Thanks for the info anyway. Cheers. John
Just want to say that we had some the other day. First of the season for us and although brittle, we used a paintbrush to clean them off and fried them whole in butter, 6 or 7 did for 2 of us, and were just like the shaggy ink caps …delicious..we made sure we were not going to be consuming alcohol within the 48hr window
I’m surprised and intrigued that these are as tasty as everyone says. I may try some soon myself, because so far I’ve simply avoided them for consumption.
I have a mystery.
Yesterday l had a large group of these mushrooms all around the base of a full grown Downy Birch. Trailing right inside the hollowing trunk. Very pretty.
This afternoon there is no sign of even 1… bare soil, not much disturbed.
Any idea what would have eaten them.
Any clues ?
Ooh. It may have to remain unsolved!
The fruiting bodies are very delicate and break quite easily. So it could have been disturbed by a small animal. For them to have gone completely, is strange. Perhaps a badger in that case. But I know of no animal/mammal that actually eats this species. The other answer is that, somebody could have taken them for the pot, but they’re not really worth it. Who knows?
They may have dissolved into the ink. I’ve had similar where there was a huge flourish of them then went to show somone the next day and they were all gone. We did have a bit of rain and i think they turned to ink and the rain helped clear away the evidence.
They’re not as ‘inky’ at other Inkcaps but they definitely don’t last a long time. Shame.